Request for classic confinement for deadsegment

  • name: deadsegment
  • description: Dead Segment is a first-person Rocket Online Multiplayer Arena (ROMA) that focuses on intense, team-based combat with one weapon of choice—rocket launchers!
  • snapcraft: n/a
  • upstream: PRIVATE
  • upstream-relation: n/a
  • supported-category: not sure
  • reasoning: we are using this library for online services. It silently fails when running in a confined environment. Snappy-debug and manually examining the logs didn’t reveal anything and we tried all plugs we could think of. This being a closed source third-party lib providing access to online services that can’t be replaced leaves us with the only option to try and request classic confinement

I understand that strict confinement is generally preferred over classic.

I’ve tried the existing interfaces to make the snap to work under strict confinement.

If snappy-debug doesn’t reveal anything at all, your problem is not confinement related…

Also note a matching category is mandatory…

Hey @deadsegment, as @ogra mentioned, your problem might not be related to confinement, so let us know if we can help. Also for classic confinement, the category is a mandatory field
