Request for block-devices access in android-platform-tools

android-platform-tools provides an all-in-one package of tools usually used in Android systems development, like adb, fastboot, etc. It’s built based on recent code directly from AOSP using a CMake build system: GitHub - fredldotme/android-tools: Unoffical CMake-based build system for android command line utilities

One of these is lpflash which provides a “Command-line tool for dumping Android Logical Partition images”. As such it requires access to the block-devices interface in order to be useful.

Hereby I request access for this interface for release of the Snap in the Snap Store.

+1 from me for auto-connect of block-devices interface to android-platform-tools as it makes sense for the functionality of the snap.

Please note that this is a super privileged interface, therefore it requires publisher vetting in case the voting results in favour of the request. Thanks.

+1 from me as well for use of block-devices to android-platform-tools since seems like required for lpflash to properly operate.

Since this is a very privileged interface, I wonder if we should only grant use of the interface and let users manually connect to it instead (unless lpflash is one of the most frequently used commands and thus is better to have it auto-connected by default)?

I agree that the “use” of block-devices is enough for it, autoconnect might not be necessary.

+1 for manual connection of block-devices interface to this snap


What’s expected for the publisher vetting? No idea what’s necessary, but I’ve released a vetted app once in the form of Tide IDE for classic confinement.

Indeed - for tide-ide vetting was done in Classic Confinement Request for Tide IDE - #5 by cav - so I don’t think it would be necessary again :slight_smile:

+2 votes for use of block-devices by android-platform-tools. This is now live.

Uploaded snapcraft builds for android-platform-tools now for arm64, amd64 incoming asap. In the meantime plflash is been enabled in snapcraft.yaml git-pushed to GitHub. Thanks for allowing the permission!

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