Request classic confinement for docc


I am a developer of the daisytuner optimizing compiler collection (docc) at daisytuner. I kindly request classic confinement for our compilers grouped under the docc snap.

A compiler needs to access arbitrary files in the system, and it is not convenient for the user to move all headers, shared libs, and source files to the finite set of paths we could request via plugs.

Details: We are a startup and want to release the first beta in the next weeks

Br, Lukas

We uploaded the snap with this account

docc fits in the existing category for classic confinement of compiler. Publisher vetting is required before granting this. Usually it means verifying the relationship between the snap publisher and the upstream repository. In this case it might be a bit tricky as if I’m right the upstream repository is private.

Let me discuss with the other reviewers how should we handle the vetting here and I’ll be back to you.


hi @daisytuner, we reviewers have discussed vetting and come to the outcome to aim for account verification similar to this. Could you please submit a request for this and we can complete the request once verified! Thanks!

Thanks, here’s the new request: Verified Publisher request for Daisytuner

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The verification has been completed. We would now need to continue here :slight_smile:

I saw that verified status has been granted to the Daisytuner account. I am granting classic and this is now live. Please let me know if everything works as expected.