Redis Desktop manager broken on centos 7

The last working build for redis desktop manager was 2021.6+2af6b985 (541) on centos7. with snap auto updating to latest/stable build i.e. 2022.2+c787819a 2022-04-11, the application is broken.

Below is the error - error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory Any help

You can run snap revert to restore the previous version. It appears that someone filed a bug too:

Just in case, you can try to discard the mount namespace bu running:

/usr/libexec/snapd/snap-discard-ns redis-desktop-manager

Make sure your snapd version is up to date too.

The error might be related to this issue. You might check if redis package maintainer is using new kde-neon extension, as I believe this has been fixed on it.