QT Extension Support


I’ve been working on rebuilding the pieces for the QT snap extension that I put together forever ago. I think I have something that could work, but I wanted to ask about support going forward. I’m happy to maintain the extension, but I don’t think it should live in my namespace. I’d like it to be a little more officially supported in one way or another going forward. Would that be something that the snapcrafters would be open to?

@mr_cal @lengau have been really helpful. Thank y’all!!

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When asking snapcrafters to take over a package, how else would a person contact them except for this category ?

My bad, I didn’t read the last line. But, I don’t think we can do that or is currently under our scope. We’re already swamped with numerous number of snaps. I personally can just go and implement or update it. But, I don’t think that’s how things can work. At this point, I believe we really need a community version of snapcraft.