Q: Process for upstream to claim snap package name

As heading says: is there a process for upstream if it wants to claim the name of a package.?

The reason for my question is the opencpn package which is severely outdated. There has been some communication with the current maintainer, but this has not resolved the problem.

I have moved your question to the store category so it lands in the queue of the right people …

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Hi, sure - just try to register the name. You’ll be told it’s already taken but given a chance to file a dispute. Ideally, do this from a developer account that is clearly associated with upstream by e.g. a relevant domain name in the email address.

Once we get the dispute request we’ll review it and act accordingly.

If you spoke to the current owner in a public forum (GitHub issue or such) and can point us to that, it helps. If the current owner agrees to transfer the name to you, that’s good too.

  • Daniel