Proposal: Snappy Monthly Newsletter


A newsletter is a perfect solution for those users who are not always active with the community but wants to know what’s happening within the community in a short glance. Taking inspiration from the Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter, I am proposing a newsletter on Snaps. Here we’ll list out everything related to Snaps, Snapcraft, Snapd, Core Desktop etc.


Instead of a Weekly newsletter, I am proposing for a Monthly newsletter, as the number of news every week might be less. Even though I think a bi-weekly approach may also work out, as we have a Starcraft Clinic in every 2 weeks. But, for a start, I think a monthly newsletter is a better option. We’ll have a set format, which will be decided by the voting from the community. This will be kind of similar to a Discourse digest, but will bring in news from Github releases to Issues/PR discussions to Starcraft Clinics. We can also bring Rockcraft and Charmcraft under this umbrella.

Why the name Snappy Monthly Newsletters

As snap is a format and is already confused with so many similar names like Snapcraft, Snapcrafters, Snapd etc, I think this is the best place to reuse the old name that Snaps had before it was named to Snappy.

Please let me know, what the community thinks about it.


@soumyaDghosh Interesting ! :slightly_smiling_face:

The forum is also starting to get old, some technical and visual boosts would do it good. :zap:

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