Hi, I run both Ubuntu and Manjaro, and the prompting client is what makes me favor snaps on Ubuntu. I installed snap support on Manjaro, I checked if apparmor, snapd, and prompting client were installed and all of them are.
Still, I can’t enable prompting client in the security center.
Is it only available on Ubuntu ? If not, how could I enable it in Manjaro ? This guide didn’t work.
If it isn’t available outside of Ubuntu, are the devs planning on implement it on other distributions ?
I think I picked the right subcategory and forum, but if not please let me know and I’ll correct it right away !
Thanks in advance.
I think the prompting support on other distributions is only held up by out of tree kernel patches. AFAIU all of this is being upstreamed with 6.14/6.15 being the current target.
Snapd STILL requires out-of-tree apparmor patches for strict confinement may have more information on outstanding patches.
Ok thanks! Are 6.14 and 6.15 are snapd versions ?
Also from what I gathered in the topic you linked, Manjaro did support strict confinement out of the box, and I don’t get why Canonical would make a page on how to install prompting-client on Manjaro if said prompting client didn’t work on Manjaro…
Guess I’ll just wait for a snapd update or prompting client update to try again. Hope it’ll work soon !
no, those are kernel versions
Right, sorry, for whatever reason I thought we were already on kernel 8 or 9…