Possible bug in image management in the Snap Store

I believe there are situations where the images in the Snap Store are not loading consistently.

In fact, I uploaded an image called screenshot.png to my snap page Install Yandex browser on Linux | Snap Store and noticed this strange behaviour

However, the image I uploaded was the one that appears in the following screenshot

I double checked where the image was loaded from, and it was one that comes from this other snap Install CoverUP PDF Redaction Software on Linux | Snap Store

So I renamed my local file from screenshot.png to yandex-browser-picture-01.png and uploaded it to my snap page as another image. When I opened the public webpage of my snap, the new image loaded correctly, but the first uploaded image named screenshot.png still did not load correctly.

I then tried to reproduce the error a second time, but without success.

Looks like a cloudinary caching issue or something.

If I visit your store page, I get this image URL:

https://res.cloudinary.com/canonical/image/fetch/f_auto,q_auto,fl_sanitize,w_819,h_511/https://dashboard.snapcraft.io/site_media/appmedia/2024/01/yandex-browser-screenshot.png which is your screenshot.

If I use the other name you specified, at this URL, I get the NDA screenshot.


The direct URLs seem correct:

https://dashboard.snapcraft.io/site_media/appmedia/2024/01/yandex-browser-screenshot.png is your screenshot.

https://dashboard.snapcraft.io/site_media/appmedia/2024/01/screenshot.png is also your screenshot.

Not sure that the backend saving the media as YYYY/MM/FILENAME is unique enough.

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This is definitely the incriminated image


And as you said, it is definitely a Cloudinary issue in combination with an insufficiently unique file url. In fact, the coverup snap image has this url: https://dashboard.snapcraft.io/site_media/appmedia/2024/01/Screenshot_eY0o8n8.png so it means that was uploaded with this name Screenshot.png

The image for my Yandex browser snap page was uploaded with the name screenshot.png and it seems that Cloudinary doesn’t bother a lot about case sensitivity.

In fact, this url (which should be my image)


and this url (the coverup snap image)


retrieve the same image from Cloudinary.

Taking into account what we discussed above, I was able to reproduce the problem.

I have uploaded drcoccodrillus.png on this page Install ssmtp on Linux | Snap Store

and I have uploaded DrCoccodrillus.png on this page Install migra on Linux | Snap Store

As a result, we get the correct image on the first page (ssmtp-snap)

but if we go to the second (migra), we get the wrong image

Here are the urls:





Thanks for the thorough investigation @drcoccodrillus. We’ll get a fix out asap!