Please allow joystick autoconnection for rota

ROTA is a cute game which can be played with a keyboard or gamepad. I connected the joystick interface and tested the gamepad, which worked as expected.

Could the interface be autoconnected so users do not have to manually connect it before playing the game?


+1 from me - auto-connect of joystick for a game which supports gamepads etc is expected and unsurprising.

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this is a clear and expected case, so +1 from me as well for auto-connect of joystick interface to rota snap.

Joystick interface is expected to be used by a videogame. Thus, +1 also from me for granting rota auto-connection to joystick interface. Fast forwarding this request as we already have 3 votes for and 0 against. This is now live.

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Thank you.

:joystick: :joystick: :joystick: :joystick: :joystick: :joystick: :joystick: :joystick: