Photonotebook auto connections request

having had help to sort out the initial bugs with passing the store review process, my photonotebook snap still requires auto-connection to be granted for the removable-media and optical drive plugs.

photonotebook is a photo-image management tool enabling users to import images into its structured data environment and permit the addition of notes (.txt) files to be associated with individual images and collections of images.
It allows importing of images from usb connected devices (cameras and memory devices) and also from optical media and network connected storage.

photonotebook works well in a Strict confinement with the above connections, but without the auto-connection rights to connect to internal and external storage and cameras, it’s utility is strictly limited and would require a Classic confinement to be useful.

I am sure you will let me know if you require any more information.

Kind regards

photonotebook as a photo manager fits within the “media (eg, sound, photo, video) players/viewers (rationale: the software is very often used to import/preview/playback files on external devices)” part of the Process for auto-connections for removable-media. As such this should be suitable to be granted, once the publisher can be vetted as the official upstream of the snap (this appears to be the case but this should be verified for completeness).

As such, +1 from me for auto-connect of removable-media for photonotebook assuming vetting is done.

For optical-drive can you please clarify if this is requesting read or write permission?

I can confirm that the optical drive requirement is for read-only to enable importing of images from optical disks.

Should the user wish to “preserve” images on optical media the App has an export function (to local and removable storage media using the requested auto-removable connection) which can be brunt to optical media by other means.

I should add that for removable media I would like read/write access to enable export and backup functionality of the photo images and the notes textfiles. The greatly enhances the utility of the app and allows photos and notes to be freely exchanged with the Android version of the App currently published on Google Play -

cheers and thanks


+1 from me for auto-connect of removeable-media and optical-drive for photonotebook pending publisher vetting.

@reviewers, could we please get some more eyes on this?

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+1 from me too for optical-drive auto-connect.

good to see that things are moving along.
I see that something called “publisher vetting” is required. I have searched through both the forum and the documentation for reference to this process, and have found nothing.

Please can someone explain this process so I may prepare.


+2 votes for, 0 votes against auto-connect of optical-drive and removable-media for photonotebook. @advocacy could you please perform publisher vetting?

Hi Alex,
thanks for moving on the process.

It would appear that I also need to add the “home” plug, which I had mistakenly assumed was automatically connected for read-write access to the users home directory.

I also remain unsure as to the needs for automatic connection to the network interface for read-write access to network connected storage, and I would be grateful if you would add this to the auto-connection requirement for photonotebook.

I have abandoned any hope of connecting to devices that use the mtp protocol with the mountpoints being in /run/user/"$UID"/gvfs/ …

While I greatly appreciate the improvements in security provided by snap containers (I am a CISSP) and the apparent ease that library dependencies can be managed, the impact on the user experience can be considerable for desktop apps which rely heavily on interfacing to storage both local and via comms channels though the file manager. The kind of users my apps on Android and now Linux are targeting are not primarily computer experts, so any technically oriented “drag” on usability is likely to result an a negative user response. Any chance of a “extended - storage” extension similar to the gnome-3-34 extension that greatly simplifies display interfacing? I’m sure that most serious desktop Apps that create, import and export data files will need to interface to storage and devices by whatever communication channels are available.

For example, I have published the App without waiting for your auto-connection and vetting results, and have included workarounds that will make the app usable, yet to some non-technical users these workarounds will be insuperable obstacles. In contrast I have a Windows 10 version of the App nearly ready for publication and on Windows 10 it’s just install, click and go, with no extra steps required!

may thanks for the help that you and your colleagues have shown in supporting this App.


Hi Alan (@apdw)
What is the official page for photonotebook please?

Hi Igor,

depends what you mean by “official” page … the SnapCraft Store page is:



Your external project homepage/official page.

Hi Igor,
I don’t have an “official” or "project page as such - just a Facebook Page I use to promote the Android version of the App in support of the Google Play listing described above …


Thanks for the info. Let’s see what we can do with this.

Hey @apdw,

I can see from the facebook page you shared there is an email address listed in the Information section: Does this address belong to the author of the software? If yes we can follow up via email.


Hi @emitorino,

yes it does, please feel free!



Thanks @apdw. @Igor can you please proceed with the vetting? Thanks!

+1 from me, I verified the publisher.

Thanks @Igor - granted auto-connect of optical-drive and removable-media for photonotebook - this is now live.

Great result, thanks to all concerned!
