With snapcraft
4.1.1, snapcraft push
exits with non-zero code after a snap
is uploaded. I’ve setup macaroon
with the following permissions.
snaps: ['yakshaveinc', 'amend']
channels: ['stable']
permissions: ['package_upload']
expires: None
Here is what happens.
$ snapcraft push snapcrafting/yakshaveinc/yakshaveinc_eternal_amd64.snap --release=stable
DEPRECATED: The 'push' set of commands have been replaced with 'upload'.
See http://snapcraft.io/docs/deprecation-notices/dn11 for more information.
Preparing to upload 'yakshaveinc_eternal_amd64.snap'.
After uploading, the resulting snap revision will be released to 'stable' when it passes the Snap Store review.
Install the review-tools from the Snap Store for enhanced checks before uploading this snap.
Revision 75 of 'yakshaveinc' created.
Pushing 'yakshaveinc_eternal_amd64.snap' [===============================] 100%
Could not retrieve information for 'yakshaveinc'.
Recommended resolution:
Ensure the snap name is correct and that you have permissions to access it.
failed to deploy