Package prebuild binaries using snapcraft (mono and gtk-sharp2)

I’m trying to package my project using snapcraft. I think it is easiest to package the prebuild binaries, which are available here:

This is a mono and gtk-sharp2 project, so I thought of using snapcraft to bundle my application. But I fight currently getting this to run.

My snapcraft.yml:

name: audiocuesheeteditor
version: '2.4.2'
summary: Write audio cue sheets fast and efficient
description: |
  Annoyed of writing your audio cue sheets via text editor? Here comes the solution! Audio Cuesheet Editor helps you editing your audio cuesheet file. With AudioCuesheetEditor you can import text files, edit the imported data and afterwards export to a working audio cuesheet.

    command: AudioCuesheetEditor/./AudioCuesheetEditor
    source: /home/sven/Downloads/
    plugin: dump

I have run once snapcraft, but now the second time i get the following output:

[root@localhost Downloads]# snapcraft 
Native builds aren't supported on Fedora. You can however use 'snapcraft cleanbuild' with a container.

Do you have an idea, why I can not rebuild the snap? Also, how do I make shure, that mono and gtk-sharp2 binaries are installed on the target system?

Thanks for your help guys. Sven