OBS-Studio crashes on onnxruntime call

After a long time fighting alone (to learn), I decided to ask for your help…:slight_smile: I installed obs-studio through snap onto Fedora 35.

When I tried to run the backgroundremoval plugin, I get this error:

error: [obs-backgroundremoval] /onnxruntime_src/onnxruntime/core/platform/posix/env.cc:183 onnxruntime::{anonymous}::PosixThread::PosixThread(const char, int, unsigned int ()(int, Eigen::ThreadPoolInterface), Eigen::ThreadPoolInterface, const onnxruntime::ThreadOptions&) pthread_setaffinity_np failed, error code: 11 error msg: Resource temporarily unavailable

To check if I had everything working I build locally onnxruntime. It passed the tests, although I think I built the 1.11.1 instead of the 1.10.0. Before I try it again, perhaps someone would have had this problem before.