No longer install latest htop snap - depends on core22

I can no longer install the latest htop snap on Rocky Linux 8.6 with latest available snapd. Other snaps installed without problems.

I get this:

→ snap install htop
error: cannot perform the following tasks:
- Ensure prerequisites for "htop" are available (cannot install snap base "core22": snap "core22" assumes unsupported features: snapd2.55.5 (try to refresh snapd))
→ snap list
Name                    Version   Rev    Tracking       Publisher     Notes
btop                    1.2.7     433    latest/stable  kz6fittycent  -
certbot                 1.28.0    2133   latest/stable  certbot-eff✓  classic
core20                  20220527  1518   latest/stable  canonical✓    base
snapd                   2.56      16010  latest/stable  canonical✓    snapd

The RPM installed is snapd-2.55.3-1.el8.x86_64 from epel.

→ snap version
snap    2.55.3-1.el8
snapd   2.55.3-1.el8
series  16
rocky   8.6
kernel  4.18.0-372.9.1.el8.x86_64

You need snapd in version at least 2.55.5. I’ve pushed out updates to 2.56.2 as described here: Snapd updates in Fedora EPEL for Enterprise Linux you’re welcome to try them and post karma in bodhi so that the updates each stable sooner.

@mborzecki Thanks. I’ll have a look. BTW what is the difference between the RPM package that I initially install and when snap updates itself to a later version? Does snapd not then become the updated version?

For interest sake. I’m also running some Amazon Linux servers with an older build of snapd but they can install the htop package and core22.

→ snap list
Name                    Version   Rev    Tracking       Publisher     Notes
btop                    1.2.7     433    latest/stable  kz6fittycent  -
certbot                 1.28.0    2133   latest/stable  certbot-eff✓  classic
certbot-dns-cloudflare  1.28.0    1748   latest/stable  certbot-eff✓  -
core20                  20220527  1518   latest/stable  canonical✓    base
core22                  20220425  165    latest/stable  canonical✓    base
htop                    3.2.1     3414   latest/stable  maxiberta     -
snapd                   2.56      16010  latest/stable  canonical✓    snapd

→ snap version
snap    2.54.3-1.amzn2.1
snapd   2.54.3-1.amzn2.1
series  16
amzn    2
kernel  4.14.281-212.502.amzn2.x86_64

This may be an older revision of core22. The change to require snapd 2.55.5 was introduced just recently. Since it’s also running an older snapd, updating core22 will be blocked until snapd gets an update.

I just had a look. The snap installed was the same version of core22 on both the hosts. The one, Rocky Linux 8, with the test rpm and the other was the Amazon Linux 2 host with the 2.54.3-1 rpm.

I have an old test ubuntu 16.04 and it installed the core22 and htop package too.

Name                    Version   Rev    Tracking       Publisher     Notes
btop                    1.2.7     433    latest/stable  kz6fittycent  -
certbot                 1.28.0    2133   latest/stable  certbot-eff✓  classic
certbot-dns-cloudflare  1.28.0    1748   latest/stable  certbot-eff✓  -
core20                  20220527  1518   latest/stable  canonical✓    base
core22                  20220607  188    latest/stable  canonical✓    base
htop                    3.2.1     3414   latest/stable  maxiberta     -
snapd                   2.56      16010  latest/stable  canonical✓    snapd

Ubuntu can reexec from the snapd snap, effectively speeding up the update process.

FYI, we have just pushed an update to the Amazon Linux 2 package which is accessible from the Unofficial snapd repository for Amazon Linux 2

Thank you! I appreciate your feedback.

what evil did it do that you had to punish it ?


hah, fun typo, let me fix that :slight_smile: