Hi, I have NC 30.0.2 installled on ubuntu server with snap. When I try to install apps from store here is what I get: “cURL error 28: Operation timed out after 120000 milliseconds with 0 bytes received (see ‘htttp//curl.haxx.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html’) for https://github.com/rcdevs/nextcloud_openotp_auth/releases/download/1.30.2/openotp_auth-1.30.2.tar.gz could not enable apps.”. I’m using proxy on my network so I’ve set proxy in /etc/environment and config.php for nextcloud. But after some troubleshooting I found out that nextcloud inside snap not taking my proxy settings. I tried “sudo snap run --shell nextcloud.php-fpm” and then “curl -v https//nextcloud.com”, it didn’t connect, but when I added proxy argument to curl command (–proxy http://proxy.local.org:8080) it did connect. Does anybody know how to make app store use proxy in snap installation?
i think you should file a bug against snapd here, the proxy settings from the host should surely be propagated into the snap env …
you could try if setting a proxy in snapd helps, but i suspect it won’t
it appeared wrong proxy was set in /etc/env, so now actually I can curl from within snap, however I’m still getting same error trying to download apps from nextcloud app store and also this log suggesting I don’t have internet connection: "[internet_connection_check] Error: Cannot connect to: www.nextcloud.com GET /index.php/settings/ajax/checksetup
Well, this is then something you should report in the nextcloud issue tracker on github, if the proxy is handed through into the environment, there is no snap related issue and the snap packager should make it work for the app inside the snap env …