Newer boost librarires

I did

-            - libboost-thread1.85.0
-            - libboost-program-options1.85.0
-            - libboost-filesystem1.85.0
-            - libboost-system1.85.0
-            - libboost-locale1.85.0
-            - libboost-chrono1.85.0
+            - libboost-thread1.71.0
+            - libboost-program-options1.71.0
+            - libboost-filesystem1.71.0
+            - libboost-system1.71.0
+            - libboost-locale1.71.0
+            - libboost-chrono1.71.0

and the system cannot find the boost libraries on core20. What shall I do ? Is that too much I require from that core20 ? any higher versions possible or something ?

Sure, we’ve Core22 with extensions available and Core24 currently without extensions available. Both of these cores would have newer boost libraries in their repos.

If you wanted newer boost libraries in Core20, you’d have to add Boost as a part to your snap and compile them specifically.

Core20 is getting a little old now, so a bump to Core22 or Core24 will probably save you effort down the line since you’d likely have other packages that would eventually need updating too.