New KDE snaps release

You can read about it here:



You’re an absolute treasure Scarlett and I’m sure I speak for all of us here when I wish you a happy new year.


I have done some hotfixes and a few more qt6 ports.

Haruna won’t seem to launch:

$ snap run haruna
unknown() : Failed to find a Kirigami platform plugin

unknown() : qrc:/qml/main.qml:210:5: QML Connections: Implicitly defined onFoo properties in Connections are deprecated. Use this syntax instead: function onFoo(<arguments>) { ... }

unknown() : qrc:/qml/Actions.qml:37:5: QML Connections: Implicitly defined onFoo properties in Connections are deprecated. Use this syntax instead: function onFoo(<arguments>) { ... }

unknown() : qrc:/qml/HProgressBar.qml:238:5: QML Connections: Implicitly defined onFoo properties in Connections are deprecated. Use this syntax instead: function onFoo(<arguments>) { ... }

unknown() : qrc:/qml/PlayList.qml:333:5: QML Connections: Implicitly defined onFoo properties in Connections are deprecated. Use this syntax instead: function onFoo(<arguments>) { ... }

Segmentation fault (core dumped)

$ snap connections haruna
Interface                                 Plug                                Slot                                                          Notes
alsa                                      haruna:alsa                         -                                                             -
audio-playback                            haruna:audio-playback               :audio-playback                                               -
content[icon-themes]                      haruna:icon-themes                  gtk-common-themes:icon-themes                                 -
content[icon-themes]                      haruna:icon-themes                  icon-theme-breeze:icon-themes                                 -
content[kf5-5-108-qt-5-15-10-core22-all]  haruna:kf5-5-108-qt-5-15-10-core22  kf5-5-108-qt-5-15-10-core22:kf5-5-108-qt-5-15-10-core22-slot  -
content[sound-themes]                     haruna:sound-themes                 gtk-common-themes:sound-themes                                -
dbus                                      -                                   haruna:session-dbus-interface                                 -
desktop                                   haruna:desktop                      :desktop                                                      -
desktop-legacy                            haruna:desktop-legacy               :desktop-legacy                                               -
home                                      haruna:home                         :home                                                         -
network                                   haruna:network                      :network                                                      -
network-bind                              haruna:network-bind                 :network-bind                                                 -
opengl                                    haruna:opengl                       :opengl                                                       -
removable-media                           haruna:removable-media              -                                                             -
unity7                                    haruna:unity7                       :unity7                                                       -
wayland                                   haruna:wayland                      :wayland                                                      -
x11                                       haruna:x11                          :x11                                                          -

Yeah Haruna is still WIP for qt6 snap. Its on my shortlist.

1 Like

Please test --edge thanks!

Yup! That worked!

Can’t help but wonder: why is it not defaulting to my Breeze Dark?

please make sure gtk-theme-breeze and icon-theme-breeze snaps are installed. Also I just uploaded a new haruna with youtube support fixed.