New aliases request: transmission-utils

Would you please set up new aliases for the upcoming transmission-utils package (currently made private under transmission-project account). The aliases match the original command names which are being widely used by Transmission users nowadays and should not interfere with any other commands since they start with a “transmission-” prefix. To give you an idea of the expected end result, below are the aliases I’ve been able to set up manually:

$ snap aliases transmission-utils
Command                                 Alias                Notes
transmission-utils.transmission-create  transmission-create  manual
transmission-utils.transmission-edit    transmission-edit    manual
transmission-utils.transmission-remote  transmission-remote  manual
transmission-utils.transmission-show    transmission-show    manual

+1 these aliases make sense and would be expected with transmission-utils

+1 from me too, these seem like sensible defaults.

One request: can you make the commands inside the snap drop the transmission- prefix?

@mike.dld - can you respond to @chipaca one way or another-- if you change it will affect what needs to be done in the store.

Thanks for your replies guys!

@chipaca, looks like a sensible thing to do, will do. This means the following aliases are required then:

  • transmission-utils.create <- transmission-create
  • transmission-utils.edit <- transmission-edit
  • transmission-utils.remote <- transmission-remote
  • <- transmission-show
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2 votes for, 0 against. Granting use of the aliases. This is now live.

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