Network-manager snap fails to create a hotspot connection

I am trying to use the network-manager snap to create a hotspot,
using a raspberry PI 3 with an external wifi dongle (I am sshing over eth0 and have wlan0 and wlan1 available) .

I can connect to a different WIFI network using:
sudo network-manager.nmcli d wifi connect 'ssid' password 'pass'
But when I’m trying to create a hotspot using:
sudo network-manager.nmcli d wifi hotspot ifname wlan0 con-name con1 ssid testssid password mypassword1

I get the following error:
Error: Connection activation failed: (18) Shared connection service failed to start.

I have read it could be related to dnsmasq not accessible but I cannot see any available plugin for it on the network-manager snap

Help will be appreciated.

My Network-manager connections are as following:

I had a look at Journalctl and saw permission errors such as :
rror> [1571218882.8686] modprobe: '/sbin/modprobe ip_tables' failed: Failed to execute child process "/sbin/modprobe" (Permission denied) rror> [1571218882.8730] modprobe: '/sbin/modprobe iptable_nat' failed: Failed to execute child process "/sbin/modprobe" (Permission denied) rror> [1571218882.8773] modprobe: '/sbin/modprobe nf_nat_ftp' failed: Failed to execute child process "/sbin/modprobe" (Permission denied) rror> [1571218882.9843] device (wlan0): share: (wlan0) failed to start dnsmasq: Failed to execute child process "/usr/sbin/dnsmasq" (Permission denied)

have you tried the wifi-ap snap instead of the network-manager one ?

Thank you for the reply.

I haven’t yet, I will give it a go and let you know.

However I would like to solve the network-manager permission issues as it is a very useful common tool.

The network-manager snap, if it is going to manipulate the firewall, should plugs firewall-control, which lets snapd know to load: arp_tables, br_netfilter, ip6table_filter and iptable_filter. The modules listed above all autoload on demand and the network-manager snap should not be loading them manually.

I mispoke, nf_nat_ftp doesn’t autoload. This has been discussed in