Mpris Request for Celluloid

Hey there @review-team , i recently snapped celluloid a popular media player featuring mpris and full wayland support, i want the snap to have mpris slot and connection beacuse its one of the core, highlighting and main features of celluloid, i had waited few days before requesting.

Also happy to tell that the celluloid team has accepted the snap package as one of the recognised way to distribute the app

Please look into this request and review it accordingly.

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The Snap YAML :

Can you explain why you have added the -snap suffix to the snap name? As it is a snap, this feels quite redundant.

Someone has already taken the name i believe or maybe its reserved i did it to provide celluloid as soon as possible, P.S. If i had requested the current snap name holder to get the name or even for reserved name it may have took months or years given the pace at things in snapcraft works

I have filed a dispute, hope it will be processed soon by the snap holder, is it possible to rename this snap and move forward or should i wait for the filed dispute to complete then build snap with the new name and then file a request for mpris and dbus ?? Lol am getting feels of a Government Office :wink:

It looks like you are now the publisher of the celluloid snap - congratulations :slight_smile:


Nice, so i will build the celluloid snap and then will update the status here for mpris…

Build and published the celluloid snap under the original name with mpris currently in candidate as i dont know what components of gnome-sdk make it crash when maximizing etc. nevertheless at least it can play files ! :slight_smile:

@SamAlex hey,

I see celluloid successfully published so I am removing this request from our review queue.


Ok, yeah since then the snap was renamed and mpris request has also been granted.

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