Move/Unregister metanorma snap

I’m initially registered metanorma snap, but I wanna move it to organization level (to let organization’s admin register it)

AFAIK I cannot ‘unregister’ snap myself, so please SnapCraft’s Admins help me


Snap names cannot be unregistered at all. Instead you should get an organisation account set up and request that the snap be moved to that account. The new account’s owner will be contacted directly by the store admins to verify that they accept the transfer.

thanks, as far as I understood steps which need to be done from org’s account is:

  • login in org’s account
  • try to register snap
  • file a dispute

@lucyllewy can you confirm this?

It can be done that way. It’s easiest, though, to register the org account and then post a new thread in this forum’s store-requests area, like you have done here. In the post you need to state the name of the snap, explain that you are the current registered author of the snap, and state the name of the account to which you wish to transfer the snap to. You can also request that your account be added as a “collaborator” once the snap is transferred - this will allow you to upload new revisions and see metrics with your personal account while the snap is still registered to an organisation account, so you don’t need to share passwords around multiple users.

Please don’t file disputes for the case where both the current owner and intended recipient are in agreement about transferring ownership of the snap. For those cases, we have a “transfer” procedure :slight_smile: Just ask here to transfer snap FOO from account BAR to account BAZ and we’ll make it happen.

We do have to verify intent and identity, and in the forum I have no way of verifying your e-mail addresses or identities, so I usually email both parties to confirm the transfer.

  • Daniel

This doesn’t need to be requested explicitly; previous snap owners stay on as collaborators automatically once a transfer is processed :wink:

  • Daniel
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@roadmr could you please transfer snap metanorma from account camobap to account metanorma

I’ve emailed both parties to confirm their wishes, will act once I get a response from both.

  • Daniel