Testing on Ubuntu Core 20.04.6 on a Raspberry Pi CM4.
Modem-manager fails to obtain ICCID from SIM on revision 517, but succeeds in doing so on revision 471. Below are the commands I ran to replicate this (personal information has been replaced by <redacted>
$ snap list | grep modem-manager
modem-manager 1.16.6-2 471 latest/stable canonical** -
$ sudo mmcli --sim=/org/freedesktop/ModemManager1/SIM/0
' -------------------------------
General | path: /org/freedesktop/ModemManager1/SIM/0
Properties | active: yes
| imsi: <redacted>
| iccid: <redacted>
| operator id: <redacted>
| operator name: <redacted>
$ snap refresh modem-manager --revision=517
modem-manager 1.8.0-14 from Canonical✓ refreshed
$ sudo mmcli --sim=/org/freedesktop/ModemManager1/SIM/0
SIM '/org/freedesktop/ModemManager1/SIM/0'
Properties | imsi : 'unknown'
| id : 'unknown'
| operator id : '<redacted>'
| operator name : '<redacted>'
On revision 471, modem-manager correctly prints both IMSI and ICCID, while on revision 517, it prints 'unknown'
IMSI and does not have a row for ICCID at all.