Matthias Mailänder | Snapcrafters membership application

In Increase Eclipse Theia presence via the Ubuntu Store or PPA · Issue #13862 · eclipse-theia/theia · GitHub the developers asked for Eclipse Theia to be put in the same realm as the Eclipse IDE until the foundation creates a brand account. So hereby I formally ask for becoming a member to transfer GitHub - Mailaender/theia-ide-snap: Eclipse Theia IDE snap packaging to the Snapcrafters organization. I am not really an active member on these forums. My other snaps are


Hii can you kindly clarify on this?

You’ll not need any special account to publish any snap. Do you need any special assitance with us? Like our CI?

The upstream project just wants to have the same publisher Snapcrafters in the Snap Store as you are already hosting Install Eclipse on Linux | Snap Store

Typically, before someone becomes a snapcrafter, they first contribute to Snapcrafters’ snaps as an outsider. So I don’t think we’ve seen enough contributions from you yet to make you a Snapcrafter.

However, we can adopt your snap and have you maintain it as an outsider. The main difference is that you won’t get permission to review other people’s pull requests. But even as a Snapcrafter, you need someone else to review your pull request.

So I propose the following:

  1. You send us your matrix username and we add you to our room.
  2. We work with you to transfer the snap, and let you maintain it as an outsider
  3. After ~6 months, you can re-apply to become a snapcrafter.

What do you think of this?

If you’re not familiar with Matrix, this is a good guide to get started: Getting Started with Matrix | Ubuntu

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I am fine with not having direct access as long as there is someone who merges pull requests in a timely manner and moves stable releases onto the correct channel.

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Many of us here have a very good reputation about this, don’t you worry! Just a question @galgalesh can we make the Eclipse snap upstream?

I raised an issue at The brand account has been created and the Eclipse Foundation is claiming your package.

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I now created GitHub - eclipse-linuxtools/eclipse-ide-snap: Eclipse IDE snap package source to supersede the Snapcrafters one.