Manual review request for Visual LVM 5.6.1364

Hi admin, the Visual LVM 5.6.1364 for amd64/arm64/i386 were submitted. Review it please.

Thank you

the product link :

Interfaces used:

home,             to access user backup files
hardware-observe, for get hardware information
mount-observe,    for get device mount information
desktop,          for add desktop icon
dm-crypt,         for connect device mapper to perform LV operations
block-devices,    for read lvm information
network-bind,     for browser based UI
run-lvm,          for create pv/lv/vg
network,          for browser based UI
system-observe    get information of LVM
    interface: system-files

And request auto-connection for hardware-obverse

Thank you guys!

I don’t think the steam-support interface is permitted to be used by packages beyond the steam snap itself (I could be wrong though, but the review team can surely clarify)…

According the the steam-support page and as Ogra stated above, only the steam snap itself can use it.

I just checked the snap declaration and hardware-observe should already be auto-connected as well.