Manual review for Hardware Probe version 1.6-2 requested

human review required due to ‘allow-installation’ constraint (bool) declaration-snap-v2_plugs_installation (hw-probe, desktop-launch)

Please look.

It’s needed to run new PyQt5 based GUI for the app.

@reviewers Could you please take a look?

@jdstrand Could you please look? How long does it usually take to review?

Can you please explain why you believe your snap requires desktop-launch? This is designed for one snap to launch another directly - such as if say gnome-shell were a snap, it could launch other snaps for the user. If however, you snap needs to open files in other applications (without spawning a particular application) then you can just call xdg-open and ensure the snap plugs the desktop interface and this should work as expected.


@alexmurray Thanks a lot for the explanation. Seems that this plug is not needed really. It was copied from some tutorial for using pyqt5.

Excellent, thanks I will remove this request from the queue.