Libreoffice snap: "Home folder" points to wrong folder on Open dialog

In libreoffice snap, the “Home Folder” shortcut on the open fila dialog points to the root of the snap version in use, not to the actual home folder. See attached screenshots: my actual home folder is “nicolas”.

This problem does not happen in the deb version of Libreoffice.

That’s an expected behavior because in the snap runtime the home directory is mapped to $HOME/snap/snap_name/current instead of the real $HOME(except for apps in --classic mode, which behaves just like the one installed via Debian packages), if the snap has acquired access to the home interface then the special user folders(i.e. Desktop/Documents/Music/Pictures etc. should be mapped into the snap and the contained files can be accessed as usual in the snapped application.

Note that currently hidden files in home directory is always not exposed by the home interface