LibreOffice 24.8

Just a simple question: any idea when the new version of LibreOffice (24.8.x) will be available as snap package in the latest/stable path? As will be well-known The Document Foundation will end its support for 24.2 by the end of this month.

1 Like is currently in the candidate channel for testing. @seb128 do you know when that might be ready for stable?

I know. I installed the 24.8 from latest/candidate, without any issues so far. Still I hope that it will be soon available in the stable channel. Being LibreOffice a productivity tool, for many people it will be important to use the stable version.

The new version has been promoted to stable now

Yeah, I noticed. Thanks! :+1: I am a dedicated user of snap packages, including LibreOffice. I converted to the snap a few years ago and help others doing the same thing when they experience issues with the deb, e.g. helping them to install Dutch language support (spell checker, hyphenation). Would it be possible to add Dutch by default?

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