Is there a snap interface for 'adduser' or 'passwd' command exec?

i try to install the app snap by use ‘–dangerous’ security confinement. the snap function is create a user,but there is deny error for ‘adduser’ or ‘passwd’ command
command (adduser --extrausers --home ‘/home/pd’ --ingroup ‘admin’ --disabled-password ‘pd’)
(passwd pd)

could you give me suggestion, thanks.

What is your use case for adding users with passwd and adduser?

thanks fixed. i want to add a user on ubuntu core system. the interface:account-control is for command “useradd” not command “adduser”.

well, on a core system you should rather use the snapd API with the equivalent of snap create-user <sso-account-email> through the snapd-control interface which is available to all snap packages using a brand store …