Is the back-end server open source?

Hi, when you do snapcraft push myapp.snap and it goes to the server, is that server itself open source? If so, where can I find the code?

Thank you!

AFAIK the store is a python+django-based application. It is currently proprietary and there haven’t been any announcements about whether the source is going to be opened or not. There used to be a third-party application that re-implemented the APIs and the source code to that application was available, but it has since been abandoned and is no-longer compatible with the current store APIs.

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Thanks for the info and taking the time to reply!

I’ll add my 2cents that an open source backend makes Snap more appealing than Flatpak (for me, at least). I just had a great experience with Snap, but the proprietary backend is a reason for me to not invest a lot of time into it. It means a single point of failure for the project, and could potentially result in users getting backed into a corner.

Thanks again for your reply.

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Is there any update on this matter ? The current snapcraft app life policy doesn’t comply with our own, and we’re considering flatpak instead of snaps, but from a system architecture point of view, snaps fit better… and I’m not the one making the decision :frowning: The only blocking point is the (lack of) ability to offer internal APIs for business-specific apps, and the snapcraft store would only be used for public-facing code. We found the snapcraft/tests/fake_servers/ code along with the API documentation, but it doesn’t seem functional enough to get started.

Using unsigned “devmode” only wget-able packages for local deployment doesn’t fit the need : who would deploy CD/CI pipelines without IAM and code trust ? (# of apps in the hundreds)

There’s a miss here…


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You might find a Brand store fills your needs, @nicko? You can find more about those here:

Brand stores are primarily targeted at device manufacturers that are shipping an IoT-style device with a customised Ubuntu Core installed, so they might not be a perfect fit.

Thanks for the reply, unfortunately this is a no-go due to code confidentiality policies, we can’t have a separate repository for exportable code and another one for non-exportable code.
Even with deploying on-premise snapcraft store, it would be technically feasible but would skyrocket budget comparing to other solutions…

Starting to pick-up steam here as an independent open-source implementation, come help contribute! :slight_smile:

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