Is snaps worth it?

I don’t want to talk about politics or whether the flatpak is better or worse
I wonder which saoko the best snaps that are not on flathub
From games, to browsers or even work

Not sure you’ll get a 100% unbiased answer to that kind of question here :smiley:

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Applications that exist in snapcraft but that do not exist in flathub
Can be owner or opensource

I haven’t done a full audit, and don’t really have the time right now. But there’s thousands of applications in the Snap Store. Last I looked back on Sept 7th, there’s 900 or so applications in flathub.

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I only wonder what this term is. :wink:

I’m not sure if I understand your question. If you’re an application developer, I think Snaps are a good way to release on a large variety of Linux distributions, but there are other good ways too.

If you’re a user, snapd is fairly non-intrusive, so if there’s an application you want that’s available on the Snap store, I don’t see a reason not to install it. You can use Snap, Flatpak, and your distribution’s package manager all at once, so you don’t have to choose.

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for me
LXD, MicroK8s, Microstack, Nextcloud and more
I need them and I can’t found them in flathub

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Thank you
That’s what I was talking about.

Well there are thousands of apps in store but if you will ask me, these are all apps i published only on snapstore :