Introducing wpe-webkit-mir-kiosk snap

Ha! Breaking new ground, I love it :slight_smile:

OK, I see that section - I’ll move this to a repo conversation & see if I can give that a try

Hey @igor.devescovi - I’m looking to do similar. Did you have any issues with this? Would you be able to elaborate slightly on it? So you point the URL of webkit-kiosk to your loader.html instead of the HMI? We’re using Ignition, which is a similar situation…

I have the same issue as Kanishkasw regarding WPE rendering fonts, and getting boxes instead. For example, my kiosk is set to display but renders the stopwatch characters as boxes. This is because the Dejavu font that WPE is packaged with only supports certain Unicode characters. How do we fix this? Thank you!

To align with ubuntu-frame’s policy to maintain only versioned tracks going forward, WPE now also has 20/22/24 tracks. latest will stay on core20-based builds.

22 is the new default track, so installations without a specified channel will use 22/stable by default. Existing installations that track latest will stay on latest.

You can use/switch to the new, versioned channels with snap {install,refresh} --channel={20,22,24}/stable wpe-webkit-mir-kiosk.

Hat tip to @Saviq who provided the merge request for core22!