Interfaces (network-control, firewall-control) auto-connect request for the purevpn snap

Dear @reviewers ,

I want to request the following interface auto-connections for according to the process for aliases, auto-connections, and tracks

Interfaces explanation (needed for the service part of the package):

  • network-control - the ability to establish VPN connections and monitor network settings/changes
  • firewall-control - PureVPN client needs to control firewall rules (iptables) to avoid any potential IP leaks

Our snap is a VPN client and the above-mentioned interfaces are critical for our software to work properly.

I kindly request you to approve the package and allow auto-connect for the interfaces: network-control, firewall-control.

Thank you so much for your attention and participation.

Regards, Arsal Imam

+1 from me for use of and auto-connect of network-control and firewall-control - these are standard interfaces required by VPN clients which purevpn clearly is so this should not be surprising or unexpected for users of purevpn.

I agree, this is entirely expected for a VPN, and necessary for the application to function at all. +1 for auto-connect of network-control and firewall-control.

Hello @alexmurray & @dclane

Many thanks for your votes!

As, I have received two approvals (+1) for auto-connection interfaces, please grant the purevpn snap the necessary auto-connection permissions or let me know if there are any additional actions or information required from me to complete the process

Regards, Arsal Imam

hi @arsalimam,

No futher action on your behalf is required. Per the Process for aliases, auto-connections and tracks we allow 1 week for voting to occur before tallying the votes and implementing the changes. purevpn is on our queue to be processed tomorrow.

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+2 votes for, 0 against: Granting auto-connect of firewall-control and network-control to purevpn. This is now live.