15-Oct-2019: There are known issues when installing snapd on Deepin. We’ll update this page when we have a solution.
Snap can be installed by opening a terminal and typing a couple of commands.
Deepin’s terminal, also known as a command line, is called Deepin Terminal. It can be found in the launcher by searching for terminal.
After launching Deepin Terminal, enter the following to install snap:
$ sudo apt update
$ sudo apt install snapd
Snap is totally borked on Deepin. Can’t connect any snap to network. Even the snap-store is broken. Since deepin is based on debian-stable, which limits access to modern apps, that’s a big deal. Can you please give an idea about when it will be fixed?
Thanks for letting us know about this. I’ll speak to the team and see if we can come up with a solution.
hello. I’m not an expert, so I won’t pretend to be one…
I just recently installed deepin 15.11 in my pc. so after I quick look around I went to install SnapStore. I tried with Sudo apt install snap and it did install but, when you do sudo snap install nothing happened, so I did this
sudo su (will ask for your password) and then snap install hello-world
probably you already figure this out. but just in case here is the solution.