Install TypeApp-mail

Hello! I am newbie when it comes to Zorin Linux and snapcraft. I have tried to install TypeApp-Mail but get an error message TypeApp-Mail erro

Hmm… Strange, I reinstalled Zorin OS 16.3 Pro and had no problem installing TypeApp-Mail

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This looks like the TypeApp mail application is installed as a Snap Package and not as a standard APT packaging.

Looking at their page, they appear to only offer as Snaps (A limited way of doing things…):

Their proposed solution is

sudo apt install snapd

However, Zorin OS comes with snapd already installed. It may be that they require snapcraft, as well.

snap install snapcraft --classic

Best Regards.

Unfortunately it didn’t help, but it’s strange, I used it on Zorin 16.3 and now that I’ve upgraded to Zorin 17 I can’t