Inkscape drop i386 channel

We haven’t published to the i386 channel since switching to core20 and it is now horribly out of date. Can you please delete that architecture from the package.

(and it still sucks that doing anything requires begging on a forum, this is a bad process)

just temporary close the channel(s) that has/have i386 and re-release only the arches you want to it/them, there is no need for a forum request usually …

I don’t see anyway to do that. Is there documentation somewhere on how to close the architecture or delete the packages? Here is what I see on the dashboard.

hover over the name in the channel column, in the top right of the respective field a “close/promote” button appears. if you click it you get a menu, one of the options is “close <channelname>” …

also make sure to have your snapcraft.yaml set to the right selection of “build-on” architectures, to make sure i386 does not come back …

hover over the name in the channel column, in the top right of the respective field a “close/promote” button appears. if you click it you get a menu, one of the options is “close ” …

I see that for channels (sorry if I used the wrong terminology originally) but not for architectures. I still want “stable/latest” to exist, just not on i386.

also make sure to have your snapcraft.yaml set to the right selection of “build-on” architectures, to make sure i386 does not come back …

Is that a preview that core22 is gonna be i386? :wink: Frankly, I only care as much as Ubuntu has it as an architecture. I imagine there’d be a lot of discussion to add that back for 22.04.

see above:

Ah, I see. I thought by closing a channel that would delete it and I wouldn’t be able to get it back. Now I see that closing clears the revisions for it. So by saving the revisions in a different channel. Then closing each of them in turn, I’m able to clear the i386 builds.

Thanks @ogra!