I installed some snap packages to test how snap work in general:
snap list
Name Version Rev Developer Notes
atom 1.22.0 56 snapcrafters classic
core 16-2.29.3 3440 canonical core
keepassxc 2.2.2 26 keepassxreboot -
ubuntu-make master 116 didrocks classic
While the packages work (I have the desktop files and I can launch them) on the CLI there is no alias to launch them, both with zsh and bash:
▶ atom .
zsh: correct 'atom' to 'atobm' [nyae]? n
zsh: command not found: atom
~ ⍉
▶ bash
rpadovani@artemis:~$ atom .
No command 'atom' found, did you mean:
Command 'atom4' from package 'atom4' (universe)
Command 'atobm' from package 'x11-apps' (main)
Command 'atoms' from package 'horae' (multiverse)
Command 'atrm' from package 'at' (main)
Command 'atop' from package 'atop' (universe)
atom: command not found
regarding bash … did you log out and back in again after installling snapd ? the snapd package ships a profile.d snippet that will only take effect on re-login …
below is the profile.d snippet that is installed on all 16.04 installs by default … (and usually works, else we would have far more complaints) … do you have this ? if yes, but it doesnt work, did you mangle /etc/profile to not source the login defaults from /etc/profile.d in any way ?
ogra@styx:~$ cat /etc/profile.d/apps-bin-path.sh
#!/bin/sh --this-shebang-is-just-here-to-inform-shellcheck--
# Expand $PATH to include the directory where snappy applications go.
if [ "${PATH#*/snap/bin}" = "${PATH}" ]; then
export PATH=$PATH:/snap/bin
# desktop files (used by desktop environments within both X11 and Wayland) are
# looked for in XDG_DATA_DIRS; make sure it includes the relevant directory for
# snappy applications' desktop files.
if [ "${XDG_DATA_DIRS#*/snapd/desktop}" = "${XDG_DATA_DIRS}" ]; then
export XDG_DATA_DIRS="${XDG_DATA_DIRS:-/usr/local/share:/usr/share}:/var/lib/snapd/desktop"
well, your PATH above has a lot of unusual stuff in it … like bin in hidden dirs i.e:
“/home/rpadovani/.rvm/bin” and “/home/rpadovani/.anaconda3/bin” for example
i doubt these come from any of the files in /etc/profile.d and must come from some manual mangling or some other way of setting PATH, i’d susect there is an issue with that somewhere …