How to update skype in manjaro linux snap

i am using manjaro xfce. i have enabled snap in pamac of manjaro xfce. and my current stable version of skype is downloaded from the snap.
since now skype has got the latest insider version, i want to try that insider version (my current version is stable version) upon search in pamac (snap ), the latest version still the stable version. there is not insider version…

so how can i upgrade to insider version?

pls teach me.


Check your software center has an option to switch channels like in picture (top right). If not close Skype and run in terminal:

snap refresh skype --channel=insider/stable

If you have an issue on insider builds switch back with:

snap refresh skype --channel=latest/stable
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in pamac of manjaro xfce, there is this Install button, see the left bottom ? i pressed it , it became green, as soon as i released the mouse button, the whole pamac just disappeared… everytime .lol i think pamac got bug

Yup, you should report it. Developers of pamac may not be aware users would want/need to switch snap channels. Commands above should work regardless of pamac issues.