Hello! I’ve recently found myself with an empty /snap/bin directory on Kubuntu 22.04
(see below for this came about).
How would I go about repairing this? There were ca. 40 snaps installed IIRC,
but I have no exact list of which snaps were installed. It would have to be whatever
snaps Kubuntu 22.04 installs.
Any help greatly appreciated!
If it’s of any relevance,
what happened was that I wanted to use the tree command, found it not present.
So I used Kubuntu 22.04’s Discover tool to install the tree snap.
It installed tree v1.8.1 I think. I used it on an old backup disk mounted externally,
which contains linux and windows backups from years ago:
drwxr-xr-x 4 root root 4096 Sep 13 2015 ‘Linux Backups’/
drwxrwxrwx 1 user user 4096 Jun 3 2020 ‘Win Backups’/
Somehow, tree could not deal with this directory structure, so I used Discover again to remove the tree package, and installed a newer version via apt install, and got
version v2.0.2. , which worked fine. At that point I discovered that the /snap/bin was empty. While it is not impossible that I did something stupid myself, I could find no evidence for that in the konsole’s command history.
Name Version Rev Tracking Publisher Notes
bare 1.0 5 latest/stable canonical** base
core 16-2.61.4-20240607 17200 latest/stable canonical** core
core20 20240416 2318 latest/stable canonical** base
gnome-3-38-2004 0+git.efb213a 143 latest/stable/… canonical** -
gtk-common-themes 0.1-81-g442e511 1535 latest/stable/… canonical** -
snapd 2.63 21759 latest/stable canonical** snapd
Sorry about the formatting, I don’t know how to get the same tabular appearance
here as in the terminal. Where can I find a info/tutorials for the composer?
As I said earlier, whatever snaps where there must be those installed by Kubuntu
(with exception of tree, which I installed and then removed). Is there a way to just
reinstall the entire snap system from scratch with all the snaps that are in the distro by default?