How to remove snap from Offline store


I have exported then pushed the snap firefox in my Offline store. (store-admin export snaps firefox …, snap-store-proxy push-snap … )

But it does not suit my production environment and I want to remove it from my store. Could you tell me the command to use ?

Thank you by advance !

Best regards

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Well, i’m not the right person to answer this question, but i’m curious about snap proxy anyway, so i give it a try: install, setup, push… I never had going so far to answer a simple question (i hope you read this, lol).

After match: I don’t have found any reference to remove or uninstall the pushed snap, also snap-store-proxy are poorly documented and over complex like the snap it self, the fact you need online authentication for offline setup makes no sense for the sysadmin.

i have published snaps, but every time i need to do something new with snap the lack of proper documentation hold me back, then two options: ask help around the internet or brute force try and fail. In most of cases both can solved with a 3 lines paragraph.

anyway, sorry for the rant, i could not solve your problem.