How to grant thunderbird snap access to a directory like /data/profile?

Ubuntu 24.04 removed thunderbird deb and switched to snap thunderbird. I have a very big Thunderbird profile directory in /data/profile. I used to be able to just launch thunderbird with thunderbird --profile /data/profile, but now even with devmode, thunderbird cannot access the directory /data/profile.

What is the simplest way to make it work? I’m ok with opening up the thunderbird snap to access the whole system but I’d prefer to avoid bind mount to /home since it disrupts my auto backup system for /home.

Thank you!

IIRC thunderbird has the removable-media interface included, if you connect that you should be able to bind mount your /data dir to /mnt or /media and use it from there …

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(Since this thread is not actually a store request, moving it to the snap topic instead).

Thanks. This is the solution I ended up with. I do wish Snap could offer the function to allow accessing to arbitrary directories in the future.

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