How to fix Qt: Session management error: None of the authentication protocols specified are supported

Hello. I’m trying to create snap for RedisDesktopManager but stucked on
“Qt: Session management error: None of the authentication protocols specified are supported” issue + looks like “QGuiApplication::setAttribute(Qt::AA_EnableHighDpiScaling);” is ignored as well for some reason.

My current snapcraft.yaml


Did you ever manage to fix the issue with high-dpi scaling? I am seeing the same. It seems like Qt cannot read the relevant settings.

try running it like:


this might work to up-scale the UI


This message seems to be due to Qt can’t access the session manager via the X Session Management Protocol:

$ printenv | grep ^SESSION_MANAGER

Code: qtbase/qxcbsessionmanager.h at c6128fc67cda7f14432203b1ec7408a527053bdb · qt/qtbase

Not sure if it is related to the Hi-DPI settings, though, but I’d really like it to be addressed properly.

A workaround to silent the error message is to unset the SESSION_MANAGER environment.