How to distribute hooks with remote parts?

We have configure hook which is required for proper functioning of our app within snap. When packaged as standalone snap everything works just fine. However, I’m now trying to set up our app as a remote part for easy integration but I can not get the hook to be moved to snap/hooks on the side which consumes our part.

I tried adding organize to parts in our yaml file

  configure: snap/hooks/configure

that did not create snap/hooks folder on the consumer side.

I also tried creating snap/hooks folder in our github repo and placed configure hook there directly but that did not work either. I did see this folder structure pulled to parts/mypart/src but it does not get moved to either prime or stage folders.

I am not sure if I’m doing something wrong here or remote parts do not support hooks…

What I did manage is that consumer adds

  configure: snap/hooks/configure

to their snapcraft.yaml and move hook to proper place but I was hoping I could do that somehow on our

Hi there, these things you mention should be supported but in order to assist you I would need a more complete example to provide some guidance.