Help: unable to install snaps in Xubuntu 16.04 LTS (Xenial Xerus)

When I typed in $sudo snap install snap-store in terminal in Xubuntu it showed:

[|] Download snap “ubuntu-core” from channel “stable” error: cannot perform the following tasks:

  • Download snap “ubuntu-core” from channel “stable” (snap not found)

Could you find what is going wrong with my xubuntu? Thanks a lot!

It sounds like you are running a very old version of snapd. Could you run snap version and include the output here?

The first thing I’d try is to install the available operating system updates. That will likely allow snapd to correctly bootstrap. You might also want to consider using a newer version of Ubuntu: 16.04 finished its 5 years of regular support back in April.

Thanks a lot for your information.@jamesh
My terminal said

error: Unknown command `version’. Please specify one command of_ abort, ack, changes, connect, disconnect, find, install, interfaces, known, list, login, logout, refresh or remove

after I typed in $snap version

Have you tried installing the available operating system updates? As I said above, I suspect you’re running version originally released in 16.04 back in 2016, rather than the update released earlier this year. If you install the updates, things might start working.

Thanks, I will install a new version of xubuntu soon.

Thank you @jamesh snapd is working now.

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