Guardrail (TCG) request for zwave-js-ui


Requesting TCG for the snap zwave-js-ui. Requesting it as it’s convenient for the user to stay on a certain track to prevent un(wanted|approved {pick suitable}) updates and restarts.

Zwave-js-ui is managing smart home devices over the zwave network, and it’s inconvenient when the zwave network is restarted unplanned.

Because of the previous hassle with manually requesting tracks per version, I’ve not requested tracks for this snap before. The past request-method stole too much time from the already short amount of time I have available.

But now when this feature is available I would like to request it.

This is the official release of this software and the developers helps maintaining it, and offer support when needed.

In the past we’ve used the the latest track to for major releases, and candidate for rolling (minor & patch) releases.

Versioning is v{major).{minor}.{patch}, e.g v9.12.0. I find it natural to only make tacks for each major, and facilitate the latest, candidate risks for each track for minor and patche release.

The regex should therefore be ^v\d+.

Thank you in advance.


Thanks for the detailed description. The requested guardrail has been successfully created for the zwave-js-ui snap.




Thank for your approval.

I just checked if I could create the track, but I got a different reply than with HA:

However the HA snap had tracks from before, which this didn’t.

Does it take a while for the privilege is applied?


Yes but you should’ve seen the option by now. I’ve notified the responsible team to look into this. In the meantime, let me know which tracks you want to add and I’ll create them for you.



It seems to be the case for Home Assistant too (not home-assistant-snap but home-assistant). Pinging @verterok too, in case he needs to follow up that.

Hi @joachimmg ,

I can create the tracks for both requests. Let me know which ones you want.



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The issue is still there. Not able to create tracks my self yet; If you could be kind creating the track v9 for zwave-js-ui, that would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you in advance.

Hi again,

seems like that it will be necessary to alter the TCG to include the minor version too:


so the regex should be updated to


and the previously requested track should be v9.12 instead . This is because the underlying library that ZUI is relying on. It might change and have a major impact on other dependencies than ZUI itself (e.g home assistant).

Z-wave JS that is the underlying library has a schematics that can change, which ZUI might not take into account for it’s release cycle and adding a more fine granularity for the user to choose from will be essential.

Hi @joachimmg !

A track named v9.12 has been created for the zwave-js-ui snap. A v\d+\.\d+ guardrail has been added as well.

Let us know if there is anything else.

Best regards, Miloš


Thank you. This also fixed it so I could create tracks myself.