Guardrail (TCG) request for oracle-cloud-agent


Requesting TFG for the snap oracle-cloud-agent.

The version is usually in the format of {major version}.{minor version}.revision-buildnumber example 1.40.0-28 . Each version should have a release in a channel/track as follows: {major version}.{minor version}.x (e.g 1.40.x), and should therefore be something like this:

?.*.x - but not completely sure.

Getting this approved will ease the creation of tracks, which is about 12 tracks per year.

Thank you in advance.


Have you tested this regex? Because I am not sure it covers the cases you mentioned.

I think that something like: \d+\.\d+\.x is what you need. This will allow track names like 1.9.x, 3.10.x but not names like: 1.10.y or 1.5.test or 2.test.x . Let me know if you agree and I will create this guardrail for you.



Thank you Odysseus! Please create the guardrail you suggested \d+.\d+.x.

Thanks, mpidapa


This is now done.



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