GTK3 snap on broadway

Hello peeps,

Today I got the idea to produce a GTK3 snap that makes use of the broadway display server. I took my time looking around for similar projects, mostly to find out what my entrypoint should look like to accomplish this. Nothing returned.

I am asking here to hopefully avoid endless trial and error - should anyone know the answer already.
Below is some doodling that may or may not be relevant.

      command: desktop-launch $SNAP/usr/bin/broadwayd :5 & $SNAP/bin/demo
         GDK_BACKEND: broadway
      plugs: [x11, unity7, home, network-bind]

A snap can have multiple entrypoints, my thinking is to have one that launches the GTK app on the desktop like you’d expect, and one on the broadway display server if so you like.

Since nothing returned from my searching, I can only think from my own perspective here. I think it is a nice addition for any GTK snap.

What are your thoughts? Is it a good or bad idea? Is it superfluous?