Gtk-common-themes bind-mount sources are symlinks, missing sounds

While poking around some things in brave and gnome-calculator I noticed this:

$ snap run --shell gnome-calculator
main.go:224: cannot change mount namespace of snap "gnome-calculator" according to change mount (/snap/gtk-common-themes/816/share/icons/Suru /snap/gnome-calculator/260/data-dir/icons/Suru none bind,ro 0 0): cannot use "/snap/gtk-common-themes/816/share/icons/Suru" as bind-mount source: not a directory                                            
main.go:224: cannot change mount namespace of snap "gnome-calculator" according to change mount (/snap/gtk-common-themes/816/share/sounds/Yaru /snap/gnome-calculator/260/data-dir/sounds/Yaru none bind,ro 0 0): cannot write to "/snap/gtk-common-themes/816/share/sounds/Yaru" because it would affect the host in "/snap/"                             
main.go:224: cannot change mount namespace of snap "gnome-calculator" according to change mount (/snap/gtk-common-themes/816/share/sounds/communitheme /snap/gnome-calculator/260/data-dir/sounds/communitheme none bind,ro 0 0): cannot write to "/snap/gtk-common-themes/816/share/sounds/communitheme" because it would affect the host in "/snap/" 

# brave
$ snap run --shell brave                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             
main.go:224: cannot change mount namespace of snap "brave" according to change mount (/snap/gtk-common-themes/816/share/icons/Suru /snap/brave/44/data-dir/icons/Suru none bind,ro 0 0): cannot use "/snap/gtk-common-themes/816/share/icons/Suru" as bind-mount source: not a directory                                                                   
main.go:224: cannot change mount namespace of snap "brave" according to change mount (/snap/gtk-common-themes/816/share/sounds/Yaru /snap/brave/44/data-dir/sounds/Yaru none bind,ro 0 0): cannot write to "/snap/gtk-common-themes/816/share/sounds/Yaru" because it would affect the host in "/snap/"                                                    
main.go:224: cannot change mount namespace of snap "brave" according to change mount (/snap/gtk-common-themes/816/share/sounds/communitheme /snap/brave/44/data-dir/sounds/communitheme none bind,ro 0 0): cannot write to "/snap/gtk-common-themes/816/share/sounds/communitheme" because it would affect the host in "/snap/"   

Looks like the Suru icon theme is actually a symlink to communitheme:

$ ls -l /snap/gtk-common-themes/current/share/icons/Suru
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 12 11-08 17:56 /snap/gtk-common-themes/current/share/icons/Suru -> communitheme

gtk-common-themes snap declares this slot:

    interface: content
      - $SNAP/share/sounds/communitheme
      - $SNAP/share/sounds/Yaru

but $SNAP/share/sounds does not exist in the snap.

cc @kenvandine @popey

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Sound themes fixed in gtk-common-themes revision 818 published to stable today