Gpsd snap failed to build

Hello Snapcrafters,

I want to cross compile mygpsd snap containing gpsd.

Host Machine Arch: x86-64
Target Machine Arch: arm64

Problem 1:

I have mygpsd snap with gpsd3.20 working fine in UC20. I want to use the same gpsd in UC22.

While Building mygpsd snap for UC22 using gpsd=3.20, I got following error

2023-05-09 11:18:39.933 :: E: Can not find a package 'gpsd:arm64' with version '3.20-8'
2023-05-09 11:18:39.933 :: E: Unable to find a source package for gpsd:arm64=3.20-8

Attaching snapcraft-p1.yaml with this bug for your reference.

Problem 2:

When I use gpsd3.22 to build mygpsd for UC22, snap is getting generated without any issue. But the architecture for the binaries got pulled from gpsd repo(ex. cgps) is in x86-64 format.

Attaching snapcraft-p2.yaml with this bug for your reference.

The motto to mention these two problems is, I want to get cgps binary in aarch64 format as I was getting when I built snap for UC20.

cgps - UC20

khalid@ubuntu:bin$ file cgps cgps: ELF 64-bit LSB shared object, ARM aarch64, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, interpreter /lib/, BuildID[sha1]=b6dc758f122c3d9397bed2c8b33b2cd8257852b2, for GNU/Linux 3.7.0, stripped

cgps - UC22

khalid@ubuntu:bin$ file cgps cgps: ELF 64-bit LSB shared object, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, interpreter /lib64/, BuildID[sha1]=d01ce01d1d0f95365b77d4a21f981dd8c489f846, for GNU/Linux 3.2.0, stripped

NOTE: location_patches in source are just some patches to overcome gpsd issue.


name: mygpsd
base: core22
version: '0.1'
summary: Construct gpsd tar archive with serial patch
description: |
  Construct gpsd tar archive with serial patch

grade: devel
confinement: devmode

  - build-on: [arm64, amd64]
    build-for: arm64

    source: $SNAPCRAFT_PROJECT_DIR/location_patches
    plugin: nil
      - CFLAGS: "-I$SNAPCRAFT_PROJECT_DIR/../../../src/system/core/include \
                 -I$SNAPCRAFT_PROJECT_DIR/../../../kernel-headers/usr/include/ \
      - CPPFLAGS: "-I$SNAPCRAFT_PROJECT_DIR/../../../src/system/core/include \
      - LDFLAGS:  "-L/usr/local/lib/ \
    override-pull: |
      craftctl default
      cd $CRAFT_PART_SRC
      echo "Creating gpsd tar archive..."
      # section to fetch gpsd source and apply patch
      if [ ! -d "gpsd-3.20" ]; then
        apt-get -qq source gpsd:${CRAFT_TARGET_ARCH}=3.20-8
      cd gpsd-3.20
      if [ ${SNAP_ARCH} == "amd64" ]; then
        patch < $SNAPCRAFT_PART_SRC/sizeof_time_t_cross_compile_val.patch
      mv $CRAFT_PART_SRC/scons-option-cache .scons-option-cache
      patch < $CRAFT_PART_SRC/set_ioctl.patch
      patch < $CRAFT_PART_SRC/chrony_sock_path.patch
    override-build: |
      # section to build gpsd
      cd $CRAFT_PART_BUILD/gpsd-3.20
      scons sysroot=/ prefix=$CRAFT_PART_INSTALL
      scons install
    override-prime: |
      craftctl default
      cd $CRAFT_PRIME
      tar -cf $CRAFT_PROJECT_DIR/gpsd_3.20.tar .
      mkdir -p $CRAFT_PROJECT_DIR/../../../out
      mv $CRAFT_PROJECT_DIR/gpsd_3.20.tar $CRAFT_PROJECT_DIR/../../../out/
      - dpkg-dev
      - devscripts
      - scons
      - dkms:${CRAFT_TARGET_ARCH}
      - libncurses-dev:${CRAFT_TARGET_ARCH}
      - libssl-dev:${CRAFT_TARGET_ARCH}
      - libelf-dev:${CRAFT_TARGET_ARCH}
      - libudev-dev:${CRAFT_TARGET_ARCH}
      - libpci-dev:${CRAFT_TARGET_ARCH}
      - libiberty-dev:${CRAFT_TARGET_ARCH}
      - libbluetooth-dev:${CRAFT_TARGET_ARCH}
      - libtinfo-dev:${CRAFT_TARGET_ARCH}
      - libusb-1.0-0-dev:${CRAFT_TARGET_ARCH}
      - libdbus-1-dev:${CRAFT_TARGET_ARCH}


name: mygpsd
base: core22
version: '0.1'
summary: Construct gpsd tar archive with serial patch
description: |
  Construct gpsd tar archive with serial patch

grade: devel
confinement: devmode

  - build-on: [arm64, amd64]
    build-for: arm64

    source: $SNAPCRAFT_PROJECT_DIR/location_patches
    plugin: nil
      - CFLAGS: "-I$SNAPCRAFT_PROJECT_DIR/../../../src/system/core/include \
                 -I$SNAPCRAFT_PROJECT_DIR/../../../kernel-headers/usr/include/ \
      - CPPFLAGS: "-I$SNAPCRAFT_PROJECT_DIR/../../../src/system/core/include \
      - LDFLAGS:  "-L/usr/local/lib/ \
    override-pull: |
      craftctl default
      cd $CRAFT_PART_SRC
      echo "Creating gpsd tar archive..."
      # section to fetch gpsd source and apply patch
      if [ ! -d "gpsd-3.22" ]; then
        apt-get -qq source gpsd:${CRAFT_TARGET_ARCH}=3.22-4
      cd gpsd-3.22
      mv $CRAFT_PART_SRC/scons-option-cache .scons-option-cache
    override-build: |
      # section to build gpsd
      cd $CRAFT_PART_BUILD/gpsd-3.22
      scons sysroot=/ prefix=$CRAFT_PART_INSTALL
      scons install
    override-prime: |
      craftctl default
      cd $CRAFT_PRIME
      tar -cf $CRAFT_PROJECT_DIR/gpsd_3.22.tar .
      mkdir -p $CRAFT_PROJECT_DIR/../../../out
      mv $CRAFT_PROJECT_DIR/gpsd_3.22.tar $CRAFT_PROJECT_DIR/../../../out/
      - dpkg-dev
      - devscripts
      - scons
      - dkms:${CRAFT_TARGET_ARCH}
      - libncurses-dev:${CRAFT_TARGET_ARCH}
      - libssl-dev:${CRAFT_TARGET_ARCH}
      - libelf-dev:${CRAFT_TARGET_ARCH}
      - libudev-dev:${CRAFT_TARGET_ARCH}
      - libpci-dev:${CRAFT_TARGET_ARCH}
      - libiberty-dev:${CRAFT_TARGET_ARCH}
      - libbluetooth-dev:${CRAFT_TARGET_ARCH}
      - libtinfo-dev:${CRAFT_TARGET_ARCH}
      - libusb-1.0-0-dev:${CRAFT_TARGET_ARCH}
      - libdbus-1-dev:${CRAFT_TARGET_ARCH}