While i was publishing my stable release of only-the-essentials i got this error on multipass:
ubuntu@foo:~$ only-the-essentials cannot snap-exec: cannot exec "/snap/only-the-essentials/2/bin/only-the-essentials": exec format error
After this error i tried to refresh my snap onto my local laptop and I got the same error there!
Perhaps, you should rebuild your snap !
Here is the snapcraft.yaml: only-the-essentials/snapcraft.yaml at main · ilianTsonev/only-the-essentials · GitHub
That didn’t worked. it just changed the revision.
@memelian4 , in this file only-the-essentials.sh
Add this line, the below line has to be the first line of the file:
Then, rebuild your snap
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Thank you! That worked!
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Friendly reminder.
Please consider use craftctl instead of snapcraftctl tool, cause it already be deprecated on core22 and above.
It’s a easy change. snapcraftctl build --> craftctl default
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